About a year ago the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin started an innovative grandparent support group. Their Medical Outreach Committee Director explains:

“Since then, we’ve include a grandparent packet in each welcome basket that includes the book “Your Loved one is Having a Baby with Down Syndrome,” a message about our grandparent support group, and a personal letter from a grandparent similar to the letter at the end of the book. We thought a personal letter from a local grandparent would be effective, and we try to match our letter to the the situation. Our grandparents were very excited about this program, and many of them decided to make little gifts to include in the baskets — hats, mittens, booties, etc. Brilliant idea. Many of our grandparents, who first came aboard with lots of pessimism and hopelessness for the future of their grandchildren, have become the cheerleaders for the new grandparents, and the grandparent packet in the welcome basket has helped to make this transition.”

Jim Fackelman

Contributed by Jim Fackelman DSAW Medical Outreach Committee Chairman, Facilitator Down syndrome Association of Wisconsin Grandparent support group

Categories: Resources